I know technically this wasn't Shiloh's first Halloween, but somehow, it just feels like it. I wasn't sure what to dress her up as this year and I felt silly spending a bunch of money on a costume that at the time I wasn't even sure where she would wear it. My sis in law and I decided to go to the fabric store and spend $5 on felt and make whatever we could with it. The costume turned out amazing, and I think she will have many a felt costumes in the future!

Getting into character by doing a little rain dance.

She was having so much fun running around, she wasn't real thrilled about being picked up to take a picture.

We went to Filipe's office for a party and they had trick or treating - passing out candy at all the cubicles. Shiloh wasn't really sure what to do at first. First, when someone would give her a candy she would put it back in the bowl. Next she would give it to her cousin, Jenna. When she finally figured the whole thing out she was a girl on a mission, grabbing multiple candies from each bowl to put in her bag.