Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Happy New Year!!!

We are registered with CNA!!! I am so relieved! Now we just need to get back into PGN and get this show back on the road! I am so so tired of this whole thing and can't wait to get my baby home and not have to deal with this any more! I think I am so used to being stressed out about it now, that I don't even realize that I am stressed. I think I am going to feel like a different person when she is finally home.


Unknown said...

I admit I don't know what being registered with the CNA means, but I can tell that it makes you all joyful and hopeful and relieved, so I am thrilled! I've been rather crankily advising God that enough is enough and Shiloh needs to be home with you NOW! I'm looking forward to saying a bunch of "Thanks for the quick response" prayers soon.

veggiemom said...

Hope your back in PGN asap so you can get out for good very soon.
Kerri and Ruby

Timbra said...

hooray and congrats on forward movement and um. . . I LOVE THESE PICTURES! i'm thieving the idea for next year, it never occured to me do get a little "crown" like that for alani!

Anonymous said...

Parabens, foi um alivio para os nossos coraçoes. Que esta etapa seja um novo alento e o redobrar da esperança e da nossa Fé, que nos levara a todos ate ao final das nossas preocupaçoes e ao começo de uma nova Vida em Familia!
A Shiloh merece, voces merecem e a Familia tambem.
Um abraço
Vo Beu

Anonymous said...

Eu sou uma previligiada!
So tenho netas princesas! E como sao lindas as minhas meninas!
Vo Beu

Diana said...

Que boa notícia Jen! Estou tão contente com vocês. Deus abençoe esta caminhada e que a Shiloh possa estar em breve nos vossos braços.
Abraços fortes e que a proxima etapa seja a entrada no PGN.
Nossas orações estão com vocês.

Anonymous said...

those pics crack me up! love em!

jajbs said...

SO happy for you. I have been PRAYING for all of you! I have that book I told you about... let me know when you are ready for me to send it!


Jodie said...

YAY!!! These pics are too cute...it looks like she's at a school dance! LOL

Jennifer said...

She looks like a little ANGEL! I am so glad we are all registered and back on track!! Whoo Hoo! Now let's pray that file back into PGN - and signed out FAST!!!!

Candy said...


Girl you will never be the same after STRESS for this long of a time believe me

Stacie said...

That sounds like good news! (I don't know what it means either - but I'm happy for your progress!) Your daughter is beautiful!

Gail said...

Beautiful pictures!!
Hope you get into PGN soon and get through quickly.

Amanda said...

I am so excited for you guys!!! I can't imagine how hard it has been. I know that God is so in control and it will all be worth it once she is home.
I am praying that you guys get more good news soon.

Anonymous said...

I got your blogspot from Jennifer Hanks whom we met in Guatemala in Jan. when we were visiting our little daughter. She says Shiloh is in the same room with our daughter Rosalia (9 months old). I would love to talk sometime. I noticed that you were in family court and had to have 2 social workers. We were submitted to family court and then pulled out and our agency states we had a social worker interview on Oct. 9th and have not got confirmation that we are out of family court.
Since we couldn't get answers as to why it was taking so long, we have hired Adoption Supervisors and they found where we went in & out of family court the first time, but can't find that we were ever resubmitted into family court!! They definitely found that we have not been submitted to PGN yet. Is your agency SMI also??
Shiloh is georgous and hope she comes home soon. Please email us at tlwolf@cox.net and we can discuss what is going on! God bless.
Tony and Linda Wolf

Nat said...

YAY! Such VERY good news! Congrats!!!! I will keep praying things go smoothly for you until Shiloh is HOME where she belongs!

Krystal said...

Shiloh is such a baby doll! Seriously, she looks like a tiny little perfect angel :) I love the close-up pic - her eyelashes are so adorable!!!

meredith said...


the pix are adorable, btw:)

Jocelyn said...

I know I am a little late...but congrats! I hope to hear that you are in PGN very soon! I can't wait to meet your precious girl!!

Suzanne said...

I was just enjoying your blog for the first time. I pray you make it in and through PGN in a very quick manner. Oh, by the way, your daughters beautiful.

Pineapple Princess said...

It's so nice to "meet" you! I'm so glad you posted a comment on my blog. Your daughter is absolutely gorgeous! I love her name!
I'll be praying that you get into and out of PGN quickly. Shiloh will be home soon!!!

With love,
Stacy (adopting Isabella)

Steph said...

Oh, she is gorgeous!! So happy you are registered and hoping for a quick and final trip through PGN. It looks like we have similar timelines. It's time to get off this roller coaster!!