Saturday, March 29, 2008

Tuesday, March 25, 2008
2nd Reviewer
Friday, March 21, 2008
Raggedy Shiloh
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Summer Fun in March
I am a little bummed that there will be no movement in PGN this week because of Semana Santa in Guatemala, but at the same time I have found peace in it. I was just thinking about how cool it is that the whole country is shutting down to celebrate Jesus and the amazing gift of salvation that he has given us through his sacrifice. I am really going to try to not get stressed about the adoption this week, but take this time where no movement is happening and there is nothing to stress or worry about on the adoption front and turn my focus to celebrate Jesus right along with them.
I also had a fun little shopping spree at Target today. They have some of the cutest little mix and match summer outfits for so cheep! Only four dollars a piece! Although I wanted to buy a lot more I got five cute little pieces and I can't wait to see Shiloh running around in the sun in them!
Now I just need a little girl to use all of this stuff!!! Hopefully we will have some good news waiting for us at the other side of this holy week!
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Still waiting

Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Back in the game!
Monday, March 3, 2008
Sweet girl
Jane said that she has three teeth on the bottom and one on the top. It is so nice to get some pictures of her a little happier, and I love the feathered, bowl cut she is styling:)
We also got together with a bunch of different adoption families Saturday night as we had a dinner to celebrate Jocelyn and Pacey's homecoming at the local Ethiopian restaurant. It was fun to see so many different families who had adopted from all over! We also get to meet Kerri and Ruby for the first time. It was fun to see a cute little guatetot running around and Pacey is absolutely beautiful and so smiley!
I am really hoping to get some good news from our agency this week. I was going to call PGN today, but my husband thinks I should wait until the end of the week, so I guess I will. I figure Mondays are hard days to get through anyway and if I wait there is a better chance that I will hear that we are in as opposed to hearing we haven't been resubmitted yet.
In the mean time we are remodeling our half bath connected to our bedroom. It has been a little slow going, mostly because after we tore everything down we both got sick and it kind of killed our motivation, but we are back on track. Filipe, my brother Eric and Filipe's brother Andre worked all afternoon yesterday to get the drywall up. It was pretty funny seeing three guys cram into a little 4'x4' space (it is a minuscule bathroom) to work. I will put pictures of it up when we are finished with it. I really want to get it done because the ultimate goal is to get it done so we can have somewhere to go to the bathroom while we remodel the bigger bathroom! I figure it is going to be hard to remodel a bathroom with a child in the house, so we really want to try to get it done before Shiloh gets home. Of course, if some crazy thing happens and our case moves really quickly to get her home before the bathroom is done, I won't complain:)