Thank you guys so much for all of the encouragement and congratulations! I am going to print them out and save them for Shiloh to read some day.
Getting out of PGN is the most amazing feeling! I really can't describe it. When you have been doing this so long it starts to just feel like a part of your life and who you are, not something temporary that you are going through. It is nice to be in a place where it feels like a process again instead of a miserable lifestyle! After having this huge weight and stress on our back for the last 2 years, we really feel so euphoric now! Before we got out of PGN, Filipe would say that we would probably be really happy and excited for a couple of days and then the anxiousness of wanting to get her home would kick in. Now that we are out, while we are anxious to get her home, I don't think the excitement or happiness of being on the home stretch is going to wear off any time soon!!! Every so often we will look at each other with a huge grin and say, "We're out of PGN!!! Our baby is coming home!!!"
I was instantly put in full blown nesting mode. Friday night I started making a list of things I wanted to do around the house or things we needed to get done before Shiloh comes home. It is already a page long, and I keep thinking of more things every day. I am so thankful that I'm only working a couple of days a week right now so that I have plenty of time to do it all!
As for the rest of the process... Here are the thing that we have left to do: 1) They need to record the final decree at the Civil Registry and get her new birth certificate with our last name on it, 2) They get her a passport, 3) It all gets translated and sent to the US Embassy who issues "orange" which is a DNA authorization, 4) They take the DNA and sent it to the lab, 5) Once the lab processes it, the results are sent back to the US Embassy where they issue "pink", which is our Embassy appointment (usually 1-2 weeks after they issue pink) 6) We go get our girl!!!!
This usually takes 6-8 weeks. For our agency it is typically 8 weeks. Mentally I'm telling myself it will be 8 weeks, but I am really praying that God will be moving and it will be closer to 6. May 21st is my birthday and I would love to get to spend it with her. Six weeks from getting out of PGN is the 22nd, so it is possible. Please keep praying for us! Thanks so much!